
    Atlanta Film Festival Selects November Dawn To Deliver The Perfect Pitch

    (May 30, 2004 – Atlanta) Two-time published author, playwright and filmmaker, november dawn emerges
    from behind the scenes to test her pitching skills. The storyteller joins the ranks of Georgia screenwriters
    selected to pitch their scripts to a panel of industry experts and an eager audience. The Perfect Pitch VI
    is a fixture of the Atlanta Film Festival, which celebrates its 28th anniversary in June. The festival will
    spotlight 70 feature films and nearly 100 shorts by filmmakers worldwide. The top three finalists from The
    Perfect Pitch VI will have their scripts read by a group of celebrated film professionals. The winner gains
    an all-expenses-paid trip to Los Angeles and the opportunity to pitch their project to industry power

    “Poor Man’s Blues” chronicles erupting tempers when, barely making ends meet, lives are on the line
    after mass layoffs at an Atlanta automotive parts plant. “It’s a solid, compelling story with a grit everyone
    can relate to,” states Shandra L. McDonald emphatically. The award-winning producer came onboard
    the project after encountering the script that edged out hundreds of submissions for The Perfect Pitch
    VI. “Poor Man’s Blues,” based in Georgia, is perfectly aligned with the Georgia Film, Video & Music
    Office’s mission to encourage production in the state.

    The Perfect Pitch VI will take place Saturday, June 19 at 4:00 pm at the Omni Hotel at CNN Center. The
    Georgia Film, Video & Music Office, sponsors the event. The entire festival lineup is available online at

    About november dawn
    After the 1997 publication of “Cries of a Young Girl” and her sophomore book, “the dawning”, november
    dawn returns with the social drama “Poor Man’s Blues”. Her haunting choreoplay “Sunshine for a Midnight
    Weary” enjoyed a run in Los Angeles. She has committed her talents to both the theatrical and film arena
    creating such works as “Like Grown Folks Do”, “Voodoo Doll” and “Light”. She is a tireless advocate of
    human decency and respect…no matter how she gets it across. To learn more about november dawn’s
    commitment to creating thought-provoking material, visit www.novemberdawn.com.

    About Shandra L. McDonald
    Shandra McDonald has a proven track record of producing quality short films that win film festivals and
    air on major television networks. In February, “Land of the Free” a short film that Shandra produced aired
    on Showtime Networks during black history month. Currently, “Can’t Let Go” a short film that Shandra
    produced in Los Angeles in 2001 aired on UPN, NBC and ABC in over 100 markets across the country.
    Shandra received a Student Director’s Guild of American Award in 1998 for “Claudia Make a Difference.”
    She is also an award-winning Screenwriter and Director. For more information about Shandra, visit


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